Sunday, February 9, 2014

Post Your Salt and Light Examples Here

From today's sermon:  

Salt can improve the taste of our food. Salt can preserve meat. And, as many of us were reminded of during the last few weeks, salt can melt the ice and snow on our sidewalks and roads. But by itself, salt isn’t much good for anything. It doesn’t taste very good eaten alone, does it? 

Salt flavors. Salt preserves. Salt melts ice. Salt is of use only when it is joined with something else. As Christians, we are called to flavor this world. The way I’ve spoken about this before is that we are called to transform this world for Christ. We don’t stand alone. We don’t isolate ourselves from those who are not Christians. Our saltiness is offered to the world. 

The same is true for being the light of the world. As I mentioned last week, the light is not just for our own personal illumination; the light is so others can see God through us, or as Jesus put it in this morning’s Gospel, “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” We are a light for the world, pointing beyond ourselves, pointing to God. 

We are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world. I know this is true right now. I see it in many of your lives all the time. 

If we want to become even more salty, even more full of light, if we want to consciously strive to be an even more effective sign pointing beyond ourselves, pointing to the kingdom of God, who can we do that. Recall the Beatitudes that I started with this morning. Blessed are the poor, or simple, in spirit, the meek or humble, those who hunger for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers. By living into those characteristics, we can increase our saltiness, and our light.

Now, we are going to borrow an idea from David Lose, Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Here is his idea:  

...I realize, you see, that we have a hard time believing that we are good, worthy, and lovable and therefore we will perhaps nod politely when you call us salt and light but not really believe it...For this reason, we need to actually show people that they are, in fact, salt and light. So I suggest starting a "Salt & Light Log." Start asking people to collect examples of where God has worked through them to help someone else... 

...This may be difficult for many of us who were taught never to boast...So you might say that they can practice by pointing out where they see someone else being salt or light, but encourage them also to look and see where God is using them as salt and light, too... 

...The goal is 1) to help people start looking for God in the world and 2) come to believe that they are vessels through which God is working. 

I encourage you to visit this log often, and add your stories of when you, or someone else, was salt for the earth, times when you helped transform this world for Christ, or times when you were a light for the world, times when your good works brought glory to God, times when your words or deeds pointed beyond yourself, and pointed another to God. To be clear, we are collecting examples of where God has worked through us to help someone else.

Ready? Ok, just click on the comment section, and log your experiences of being salt and light! Who will be first?


Terry +


  1. This is a the comment feature working?

  2. I see your test comment, so I believe it is working.
